Standings Circuit-Auto

Schedule | Monthly

Schedule | Monthly

Pro-Rodeo Schedule for September 2022 - last updated 2022-10-18

Killdeer, ND 09/01/2022
Pro Rodeo
Bulls Broncs & Babes
Arena: Killdeer Saddle Club Arena
Location: 311 Highway 22 Bypass
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 1 6:00pm
Slack: September 1 9:30am
Stalls: Yes. Portable Pens Allowed.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $156.00 / $10000.00
Stock Contractor: Fettig Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 16 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 16 11:00am MT
EC: August 17 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 26 5:00pm MT. Sections of barrels will be ran between the sections of rough stock. Tractor drag after 7. All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the turn out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 7. Committee will drag at 7 or fewer. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them. (2022-08-18)

Filer, ID 09/01/2022 - 09/03/2022
Pro Rodeo
Magic Valley Stampede
Arena: Shouse Arena
Location: 215 Fair Ave
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 1-3 7:30pm
Slack: September 1 after the performance, September 2 after the performance(limited to 30) (2022-08-04)
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - NFR Playoff Series (Barrels) / $156.00 / $10000.00
Stock Contractor: Sankey Pro Rodeo & Phenom Genetics
Member Dues: August 2 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 5 10:00am MT
EC: August 9 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 25 5:00pm MT. Contestant and one companion allowed gate access. Use entrance to grounds off Hwy 30. Hand rake after each run.

Filer, ID 09/01/2022 - 09/03/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Magic Valley Stampede - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Shouse Arena
Location: 215 Fair Ave
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 1-3 7:30pm
Slack: September 1 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - NFR Playoff Series (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $166.00 / $4000.00
Stock Contractor: Sankey Pro Rodeo & Phenom Genetics
Member Dues: August 5 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 10 11:30am MT
EC: August 11 11:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 25 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Contestant and one companion allowed gate access. Use entrance to grounds off Hwy 30. Grace period will expire one hour after entries close. (2022-08-08)

Plains, MT 09/01/2022 - 09/03/2022
Pro Rodeo
Sanders County Fair & PRCA Rodeo
Arena: Plains-Main Arena
Location: 30 River Road
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 1-3 7:00pm
Slack: September 1 9:00am
Stalls: No. Portable Pens Allowed.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $111.00 / $4000.00
Stock Contractor: Powder River Rodeo LLC
Member Dues: August 9 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 11 10:30am MT
EC: August 12 10:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 26 5:00pm MT. Tractor Drag after 5.

Killdeer, ND 09/02/2022

Pro Rodeo
Badlands Iron Cowboy Rodeo
Arena: Killdeer Saddle Club Arena
Location: 311 Highway 22 Bypass
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 2 6:00pm
Slack: September 2 10:00am
Stalls: Yes
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - WPRA Tour (Barrels) / $91.00 / $3000.00
Stock Contractor: Fettig Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 15 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 18 10:30am MT
EC: August 19 10:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 26 5:00pm MT. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. Tractor Drag after 6.Co-Approved with Montana Circuit.

Killdeer, ND 09/02/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Badlands Iron Cowboy Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Killdeer Saddle Club Arena
Location: 311 Highway 22 Bypass
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 2 6:00pm
Slack: September 2 10:00am
Stalls: Yes
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $141.00 / $3000.00
Stock Contractor: Fettig Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 15 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 18 10:30am MT
EC: August 19 10:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 26 5:00pm MT. $0 Stock Charge. Co-Approved with Montana Circuit. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Lake Luzerne, NY 09/02/2022
Pro Rodeo
Painted Pony Championship Rodeo
Arena: Painted Pony Ranch
Location: 703 Howe Road
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 2 7:30pm
Slack: September 2 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $71.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Painted Pony Championship Rodeo
Member Dues: August 22 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 25 12:00pm MT
EC: August 26 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 29 5:00pm MT. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. Contestants are asked to ride in grand entry & carry flags.

Lake Luzerne, NY 09/02/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Painted Pony Championship Rodeo - BREAKAWAY (2022-07-27)
Arena: Painted Pony Ranch
Location: 703 Howe Road
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 2 7:30pm
Slack: September 2 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $126.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Painted Pony Championship Rodeo
Member Dues: August 22 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 25 12:00pm MT
EC: August 26 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 29 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. Contestants are asked to ride in grand entry & carry flags.

Socorro, NM 09/02/2022
Pro Rodeo
Socorro County Fair & PRCA Rodeo
Arena: Socorro Rodeo Sports Complex
Location: 1 Rodeo Rd
Indoor/Outdoor: Covered
Perfs/Time: September 2 7:00pm
Slack: September 2 12:30pm, September 2 after the performance if needed. (2022-08-22)
Stalls: Yes. $15/night. Portable Pens & Hook-ups available.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $71.00 / $750.00
Stock Contractor: JK Rodeo
Member Dues: August 18 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Card/Permits
EOO: August 23 12:00pm MT
EC: August 24 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline:August 29 5:00pm. GB Approved for first slack event. Grace period- will expire one hour after entries close. Tractor drag after 5. All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 7. Committee will drag at 5 or fewer. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them. (2022-08-22)

Socorro, NM 09/02/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Socorro County Fair & PRCA Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Socorro Rodeo Sports Complex
Location: 1 Rodeo Rd
Indoor/Outdoor: Covered
Perfs/Time: September 2 7:00pm
Slack: September 2 12:30pm, September 2 after the performance if needed (2022-08-22)
Stalls: Yes. $15/night. Portable Pens & Hook-ups
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $126.00 / $750.00
Stock Contractor: Jim Kenney Rodeo
Member Dues: August 18 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 23 12:00pm MT
EC: August 24 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 29 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Longford, KS 09/02/2022 - 09/03/2022
Pro Rodeo
Longford Rodeo
Arena: Longford Rodeo Grounds
Location: 4th & Cherokee Rd. S.
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 2-3 7:30pm
Slack: September 2 after the performance
Stalls: No. Hook-ups available.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $76.00 / $1500.00
Stock Contractor: New Frontier Rodeo
Member Dues: August 19 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 24 9:30am MT
EC: August 25 9:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 29 5:00pm MT

Longford, KS 09/02/2022 - 09/03/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Longford Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Longford Rodeo Grounds
Location: 4th & Cherokee Rd. S.
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 2-3 7:30pm
Slack: September 2 after the performance
Stalls: No. Hook-ups available.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $146.00 / $1500.00
Stock Contractor: New Frontier Rodeo
Member Dues: August 22 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 25 11:00am MT
EC: August 26 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 29 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Manila, UT 09/02/2022 - 09/03/2022

Pro Rodeo
Daggett Heritage Rodeo
Arena: Daggett County Rodeo Arena
Location: 180 W. Hwy 43
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 2 7:00pm; September 3 5:00pm
Slack: September 3 7:30am
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - WPRA Tour (Barrels) / $86.00 / $2500.00
Stock Contractor: Powder River Rodeo LLC.
Member Dues: August 18 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 23 10:00am MT
EC: August 24 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 26 5:00pm MT. Co-Approved with Mountain States.

Manila, UT 09/02/2022 - 09/03/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Daggett Heritage Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Daggett County Rodeo Arena
Location: 180 W. Hwy 43
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 2 7:00pm; September 3 5:00pm
Slack: September 3 7:30am
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $166.00 / $2500.00
Stock Contractor: Powder River Rodeo LLC.
Member Dues: August 19 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 24 11:30am MT
EC: August 25 11:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 26 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Co-Approved with Mountain States Circuit. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Ocala, FL 09/02/2022 - 09/03/2022

Pro Rodeo
Ocala Shrine Rodeo
Arena: Southeastern Livestock Pavilion
Location: 2232 NE Jacksonville Rd
Indoor/Outdoor: Covered
Perfs/Time: Two: September 2-3 7:30pm
Slack: September 3 10:00am
Stalls: Yes. Hook-ups available.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - WPRA Tour (Barrels) / $86.00 / $2000.00 (2022-08-20)
Stock Contractor: Five Star Rodeo
Member Dues: August 19 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 22 9:30am MT
EC: August 23 9:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 26 5:00pm MT. Current coggins and health papers required. State health department will enforce at gate.

Elk City, OK 09/02/2022 - 09/04/2022
Pro Rodeo
Elk City Rodeo Of Champions
Arena: Beutler Brothers Arena
Location: 2251 W. Ave. A.
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 2-4 8:00pm
Slack: September 1 2:00pm
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $111.00 / $4000.00 (2022-08-09)
Stock Contractor: Beutler & Son Rodeo
Member Dues: August 9 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 12 9:30am MT
EC: August 15 9:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 25 5:00pm MT. Tractor drag after 6. All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the turn out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 6. Committee will drag at 7 or fewer. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them. (2022-08-18)

Palestine, IL 09/02/2022 - 09/04/2022

Pro Rodeo
Pioneer City Rodeo
Arena: Pioneer City Arena
Location: 9663 N. 1875th St.
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 2-4 7:00pm
Slack: September 2 after the performance
Stalls: No. Portable Pens Allowed. Limited Hookups available.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - WPRA Tour (Barrels) / $91.00 / $3500.00 (2022-08-12)
Stock Contractor: Championship Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 9 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 12 12:00pm MT
EC: August 16 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 26 5:00pm MT. Co-Approved with Southeastern Circuit. Tractor drag after 6. Run in center alley and exit SE corner gate. Closed gate during run. Hospitality tent and free shower house. Rodeo committee to hand out buckle to event winner.

Walla Walla, WA 09/02/2022 - 09/04/2022 Date Change
Pro Rodeo
Walla Walla Frontier Days Rodeo
Arena: Walla Walla County Fairgrounds
Location: 363 Orchard Street
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 2-4 6:30pm
Slack: September 3 after the performance
Stalls: Yes. $10 per night.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - NFR Playoff Series (Barrels) / $156.00 / $10000.00
Stock Contractor: Bridwell Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 1 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 4 9:30am MT
EC: August 8 9:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 24 5:00pm MT. Only actual contestant and 1 companion allowed free gate admission. Contestants requested to participate in fast time and high-point ride sponsor flag victory lap following each event performance. Honorarium will be paid for participation. Contestants requested to participate with appropriate dress for Tough Enough to Wear Pink performance Friday, September 2 & Patriots performance Sunday, September 4, 2022. Slack will run in order. Contestants expected to be ready. Only Contestant competing & next up allowed in arena. All other contestants are to remain out of the arena. There may be fireworks at the start and/or the conclusion of each performance.

Walla Walla, WA 09/02/2022 - 09/04/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Walla Walla Frontier Days Rodeo- BREAKAWAY
Arena: Walla Walla County Fairgrounds
Location: 363 Orchard Street
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 2-4 6:30pm
Slack: September 3 after the performance
Stalls: Yes. $10 Per Night.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - NFR Playoff Series Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $216.00 / $10000.00
Stock Contractor: Bridwell Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 4 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 9 11:00am MT
EC: August 10 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 24 5:00pm MT. $20 Stock Charge. Only actual contestant and 1 companion allowed free gate admission. If a timed event animal escapes or a re-run is given for any other reason during a performance, the extra will be used. Only escaped animals will go back in ti the herd. Contestants requested to participate in fast time and high-point ride sponsor flag victory lap following each event performance. Honorarium will be paid for participation. Contestants requested to participate with appropriate dress for Tough Enough to Wear Pink performance Friday, September 2 & Patriots performance Sunday, September 4, 2022. Slack will run in order. Contestants expected to be ready. Only Contestant competing & next up allowed in arena. All other contestants are to remain out of the arena. There may be fireworks at the start and/or the conclusion of each performance. For breakaway roping, same barrier & score PRCA Tie Down Roping will be used.

Dayton, IA 09/02/2022 - 09/05/2022
Pro Rodeo
Dayton Championship Rodeo
Arena: Dayton Rodeo Arena
Location: Highway 175 South
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Four: September 2-4 7:00pm; September 5 1:30PM
Slack: September 3 10:00am
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $91.00 / $3000.00
Stock Contractor: Cervi Championship Rodeo
Member Dues: August 11 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 16 9:30am MT
EC: August 17 9:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 26 5:00pm MT. Co-Approved with Prairie Circuit and Badlands Circuit.

Ellensburg, WA 09/02/2022 - 09/05/2022
Pro Rodeo
Ellensburg Rodeo
Arena: Ellensburg Rodeo Arena
Location: East 8th Street / South Alder
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three + Finals: September 2 6:45pm, September 3 12:45pm, September 4 11:45am, Finals: August 5 11:45am
Slack: September 1 2:00pm
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - NFR Playoff Series (Barrels) / $316.00 / $25500.00
Stock Contractor: Ellensburg Rodeo
Member Dues: July 28 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 2 11:00am MT
EC: August 4 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: Two Rounds + Finals (top 12). First go: Will be held in slack on September 1, 2:00pm. Tractor Drag after every 6 in performance and slack. All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 7. Committee will drag at 6 or fewer. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them; will hand rake after each contestant in Finals. There will be NO first go-round trades. Second go-The top 36 based on the fastest times from the first go-round, will advance to the performances. The top 36 will be placed in the performances slowest to fastest, however each performance will be random competition drawn. In case of a tie for top 36, the contestant placing highest in the 2022 Pro Rodeo World Standings as of August 2, 2022 will advance. Remaining contestants not within the top 36 will run their second go round in slack slowest to fastest starting one hour after the completion of the first go. Trades will be permitted in the second go-round, between the performances only. Trades must be completed with the secretary within two hours after the completion of the first go round. Random Competition Draw for perfs will be held after trades are closed. Second go round trades allowed perf to perf only. There will be NO trades to Slack. If there is a tie for top 12, the contestant with the single fastest time will advance. The finals will be random competition drawn. (2022-08-30)

Ellensburg, WA 09/02/2022 - 09/05/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Ellensburg Rodeo- BREAKAWAY
Arena: Ellensburg Rodeo Arena
Location: East 8th Street / South Alder
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three + Finals: September 2 6:45pm, September 3 12:45pm, September 4 11:45am, Finals: September 5 11:45am
Slack: September 1 7:00am, September 2 9:00am
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - NFR Playoff Series (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $331.00 / $10000.00
Stock Contractor: Ellensburg Rodeo
Member Dues: August 2 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 5 12:00pm MT
EC: August 8 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 24 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Format: Two Rounds + Finals. First go: Will be held in slack on September 1, 7:00am. There will be NO first go-round trades. Second go-The top 36 based on the fastest times from the first go-round, will advance to the performances. The top 36 will be placed in the performances slowest to fastest, however each performance will be random competition drawn. Remaining contestants not within the top 36 will run their second go round in slack Friday September 2 9:00am, slowest to fastest. Trades will be permitted in the second go-round, between the performances only. Trades must be completed with the secretary within two hours after the completion of the first go round. Random Competition Draw for perfs will be held after trades are closed. Second go round trades allowed perf to perf only. There will be NO trades to Slack. If there is a tie for top 12, the contestant with the single fastest time will advance. The finals will be ran slowest to fastest. Breakaway will use the same barrier rope and distance as men's PRCA tie down roping. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. (2022-10-18)

Killdeer, ND 09/03/2022
Pro Rodeo
Wild Rides Rodeo Killdeer
Arena: Killdeer Saddle Club Arena
Location: 311 Highway 22 Bypass
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 3 6:00pm
Slack: September 3 10:00am
Stalls: Yes
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $86.00 / $2100.00
Stock Contractor: Fettig Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 17 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 22 10:30am MT
EC: August 23 10:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 29 5:00pm MT. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. Tractor Drag after 6. Co-Approved with Montana Circuit.

Killdeer, ND 09/03/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Wild Rides Rodeo Killdeer - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Killdeer Saddle Club Arena
Location: 311 Highway 22 Bypass
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 3 6:00pm
Slack: September 3 10:00am
Stalls: Yes
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $121.00 / $2100.00
Stock Contractor: Fettig Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 17 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 22 10:30am MT
EC: August 23 10:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 29 5:00pm MT. $0 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. Co-Approved with Montana Circuit.

Lake Luzerne, NY 09/03/2022
Pro Rodeo
Painted Pony Championship Rodeo
Arena: Painted Pony Ranch
Location: 703 Howe Road
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 3 7:30pm
Slack: September 3 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $71.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Painted Pony Championship Rodeo
Member Dues: August 23 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 26 12:00pm MT
EC: August 29 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 30 5:00pm MT. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. Contestants are asked to ride in grand entry & carry flags.

Lake Luzerne, NY 09/03/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Painted Pony Championship Rodeo - BREAKAWAY (2022-07-27)
Arena: Painted Pony Ranch
Location: 703 Howe Road
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 3 7:30pm
Slack: September 3 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $126.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Painted Pony Championship Rodeo
Member Dues: August 23 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 26 12:00pm MT
EC: August 29 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 30 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. Contestants are asked to ride in grand entry & carry flags.

Okeechobee, FL 09/03/2022
Pro Rodeo
Pete Clemons Memorial Labor Day Rodeo
Arena: OCCA Arena
Location: 1885 US HWY 441 N
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 3 7:00pm
Slack: September 3 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $71.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Big Water Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 19 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 24 9:30am MT
EC: August 25 9:30 am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 29 5:00pm MT. Tractor Drag after 5. All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 7. Committee will drag at 5 or fewer. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them.

Okeechobee, FL 09/03/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Pete Clemons Memorial Labor Day Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: OCCA Arena
Location: 1885 US HWY 441 N
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 3 7:00pm
Slack: September 3 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $101.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Big Water Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 19 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 24 9:30am MT
EC: August 25 9:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 29 5:00pm MT. $0 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Socorro, NM 09/03/2022
Pro Rodeo
Socorro County Fair & PRCA Rodeo
Arena: Socorro Rodeo Sports Complex
Location: 1 Rodeo Rd
Indoor/Outdoor: Covered
Perfs/Time: September 3 7:00pm
Slack: September 3 12:30pm, September 3 after the performance if needed (2022-08-22)
Stalls: Yes. $15/night. Portable Pens & Hook-ups
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $71.00 / $750.00
Stock Contractor: JK Rodeo
Member Dues: August 19 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 24 12:00pm MT
EC: August 25 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 30 5:00pm MT. GB Approved for first slack event. Grace period- will expire one hour after entries close. Tractor drag after 5.All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 7. Committee will drag at 5 or fewer. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them. (2022-08-22)

Socorro, NM 09/03/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Socorro County Fair & PRCA Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Socorro Rodeo Sports Complex
Location: 1 Rodeo Rd
Indoor/Outdoor: Covered
Perfs/Time: September 3 7:00pm
Slack: September 3 12:30pm, September 3 after the performance if needed. (2022-08-22)
Stalls: Yes. $15/night. Portable Pens & Hook-ups
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $126.00 / $750.00
Stock Contractor: JK Rodeo
Member Dues: August 19 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 24 12:00pm MT
EC: August 25 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline:August 30, 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Woodstown, NJ 09/03/2022
Pro Rodeo
Cowtown Rodeo
Arena: Cowtown Rodeo Arena
Location: 780 Rt. 40
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 3 7:30pm
Slack: September 3 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $76.00 / $1000.00
Stock Contractor: Grant Harris/RJ Griscom
Member Dues: August 23 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 26 11:00am MT
EC: August 29 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: All contestants must ride in grand entry, and carry flags. Not taking entry fees onsite. Must pay through WPRA Portal or the WPRA Office. Grace Period will expire 30 min after entries close. No Buddying Allowed. No trades permitted. No electronic devices in the arena such as Go Pro's, radio's, video equipment etc. Barrels Racers must enter the arena completely/Pivot then go. NO run ins! Rule 9.2.3 & Rule 12.7.1 will be strongly enforced. (2022-10-18)

Woodstown, NJ 09/03/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Cowtown Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Cowtown Rodeo Arena
Location: 780 Rt. 40
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 3 7:30pm
Slack: No Slack
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $126.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Grant Harris/RJ Griscom
Member Dues: August 23 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits - Limited to 15
EOO: August 26 11:00am MT
EC: August 29 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: $25 Stock Charge. Limited to 15. Qualifications: Random draw of entered card holders. If less then 15 card holders enter, remaining position will be filled from a random draw of entered permit holders. "30 Hour Replacement Policy" in effect. Minimum of 5 entries or no contest. All contestants must ride in grand entry, and carry flags. Not taking entry fees onsite. Must pay through WPRA Portal or the WPRA Office. Grace Period will expire 30 min after entries close. No Buddying Allowed. No trades permitted. No electronic devices in the arena such as Go Pro's, radio's, video equipment etc. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. (2022-10-18)

Dillon, MT 09/03/2022 - 09/04/2022
Pro Rodeo
Montana's Biggest Weekend
Arena: Harry Andrus Arena
Location: Railroad St. County Fairgrounds
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 3 7:30pm; September 4 2:00pm
Slack: September 4 7:00am
Stalls: Yes. $15/night. Contact 406-559-7935.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $111.00 / $4000.00
Stock Contractor: Sankey Pro Rodeo and Phenom Genetics (2022-08-15)
Member Dues: August 11 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 16 12:00pm MT
EC: August 17 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 29 5:00pm MT. Co-Approved with the Wilderness Circuit. (2022-08-15)

Henryetta, OK 09/03/2022 - 09/04/2022

Pro Rodeo
Jim Shoulders Living Legend Rodeo
Arena: Jim Shoulders Living Legend Arena
Location: Lake Rd
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 3-4 8:00pm
Slack: September 3 after the performance; September 4 after the performance if needed. (2022-08-25)
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - WPRA Tour (Barrels) / $76.00 / $1500.00 (2022-08-20)
Stock Contractor: Hampton Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 18 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 23 11:30am MT
EC: August 24 11:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 29 5:00pm MT. Co-Approved with Southeastern Circuit and Texas Circuit. Tractor drag after 5.

Henryetta, OK 09/03/2022 - 09/04/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Jim Shoulders Living Legend Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Jim Shoulders Living Legend Arena
Location: Lake Rd
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 3-4 8:00pm
Slack: September 3 after the performance; September 4 after the performance if needed. (2022-08-25)
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $146.00 / $1500.00
Stock Contractor: Hampton Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 19 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 24 12:30pm MT
EC: August 25 12:30pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline August 29 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. (2022-08-30)

Merritt, BC 09/03/2022 - 09/04/2022
Pro Rodeo
Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo
Arena: Nicola Valley Rodeo Grounds
Location: 509 Lindley Cr. Rd.
Indoor/Outdoor: TBA
Perfs/Time: Two: September 3-4 1:00pm
Slack: September 3 9:00am
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $100.00 / $5000.00
Stock Contractor: Macza Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 12 4:00pm
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 17 8:00am
EC: August 17 2:00pm. See ground rules for online entry dates.
Ground Rules: See attached ground rules for more information. Online Entries- EOO:August 16 8:00am- ECO:August 17 2:00pm.
Click here for the Ground Rules

Merritt, BC 09/03/2022 - 09/04/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Nicola Valley Rodeo Grounds
Location: 509 Lindley Cr. Rd.
Indoor/Outdoor: TBA
Perfs/Time: Two: September 3-4 1:00pm
Slack: September 3 9:00am
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $150.00 / $5000.00
Stock Contractor: Macza Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 12 4:00pm
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 17 8:00am
EC: August 17 2:00pm. See ground rules for online entry dates.
Ground Rules: See attached ground rules for more information. Online Entries- EOO:August 16 8:00am- ECO:August 17 2:00pm.

Evanston, WY 09/03/2022 - 09/05/2022
Pro Rodeo
Evanston Cowboy Days
Arena: Uinta County Fairgrounds
Location: 122 Bear River Drive
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 3-4 7:00pm; September 5 2:00pm
Slack: September 3 after the performance
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $111.00 / $5000.00
Stock Contractor: Bar T Rodeo
Member Dues: August 10 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 15 10:00am MT
EC: August 16 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 29 5:00pm MT. Tractor Drag after 6. Co-Approved with Wilderness Circuit.

Langley, BC 09/03/2022 - 09/05/2022
Pro Rodeo
Valley West Stampede Society
Arena: Langley Rider's Society Arena
Location: 4303-208th St
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 3-5 2:00pm
Slack: TBA
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $250.00 / $20000.00
Stock Contractor: Duane Kesler Championship Rodeo
Member Dues: August 10 4:00pm
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 15 8:00am
EC: August 15 2:00pm. See ground rules for online entry details.
Ground Rules: Online Entries- EOO:August 14 8:00am- ECO:August 15 2:00pm. See attached ground rules for additional details.
Click here for the Ground Rules

Dazey, ND 09/04/2022
Pro Rodeo
Dazey Sodbuster Stampede
Arena: SOD Buster Arena
Location: HWY 26
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 4 4:00pm
Slack: September 4 12:00pm
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $76.00 / $1000.00
Stock Contractor: Bailey Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 19 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 24 12:00pm MT
EC: August 25 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 30 5:00pm MT. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Dazey, ND 09/04/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Dazey Sodbuster Stampede - BREAKAWAY
Arena: SOD Buster Arena
Location: HWY 26
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 4 4:00pm
Slack: September 4 12:00pm
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $126.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Bailey Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 19 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 24 12:00pm MT
EC: August 25 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 30 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Okeechobee, FL 09/04/2022
Pro Rodeo
Pete Clemons Memorial Labor Day Rodeo
Arena: OCCA Arena
Location: 1885 US HWY 441 N
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 4 7:00pm
Slack: September 4 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $71.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Big Water Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 22 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 25 9:30am MT
EC: August 26 9:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline:August 30 5:00pm MT. Tractor Drag after 5. All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 7. Committee will drag at 5 or fewer. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them.

Okeechobee, FL 09/04/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Pete Clemons Memorial Labor Day Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: OCCA Arena
Location: 1885 US HWY 441 N
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 4 7:00pm
Slack: September 4 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $101.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Big Water Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 22 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 25 9:30am MT
EC: August 26 9:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 30 5:00pm MT. $0 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Socorro, NM 09/04/2022
Pro Rodeo
Socorro County Fair & PRCA Rodeo
Arena: Socorro Rodeo Sports Complex
Location: 1 Rodeo Rd
Indoor/Outdoor: Covered
Perfs/Time: September 4 2:00pm
Slack: September 4 after performance (2022-08-22)
Stalls: Yes. $15/night. Portable Pens & Hook-ups
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - barrels (Barrels) / $71.00 / $750.00
Stock Contractor: JK Rodeo
Member Dues: August 22 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 25 12:00pm MT
EC: August 26 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 31 5:00pm MT . GB approved for first slack event. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. Tractor drag after 5. All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 7. Committee will drag at 5 or fewer. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them. (2022-08-22)

Socorro, NM 09/04/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Socorro County Fair & PRCA Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Socorro Rodeo Sports Complex
Location: 1 Rodeo Rd
Indoor/Outdoor: Covered
Perfs/Time: September 4 2:00pm
Slack: September 4 after the performance
Stalls: Yes. $15/night. Portable Pens & Hook-ups
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $126.00 / $750.00
Stock Contractor: JK Rodeo
Member Dues: August 22 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 25 12:00pm MT
EC: August 26 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 31, 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge.Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Lakeview, OR 09/04/2022 - 09/05/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Lake County Round-Up - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Lake County Fairgrounds
Location: 1900 N. 4th Street
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 4-5 1:00pm
Slack: September 4 9:00am
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $166.00 / $2500.00
Stock Contractor: Four Star Rodeo Company
Member Dues: August 8 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 11 12:30pm MT
EC: August 12 12:30pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 29 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. Co-Approved with the California and Wilderness Circuits. (2022-07-21)

White Sulphur Springs, MT 09/04/2022 - 09/05/2022

Pro Rodeo
White Sulphur Springs Labor Day Rodeo
Arena: Meagher County Rodeo Arena
Location: 410 E Crawford
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 4 5:00pm; September 5 2:30pm
Slack: September 5 8:00am
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - WPRA Tour (Barrels) / $111.00 / $4750.00
Stock Contractor: J Bar J
Member Dues: August 10 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 10 10:30am MT
EC: August 12 10:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 30 5:00pm MT.

White Sulphur Springs, MT 09/04/2022 - 09/05/2022
WPRA Roping Division
White Sulphur Springs Labor Day Rodeo-BREAKAWAY
Arena: Meagher County Rodeo Arena
Location: 410 E Crawford
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 4 5:00pm; September 5 2:30pm
Slack: September 5 8:00am
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $166.00 / $4750.00
Stock Contractor: J Bar J
Member Dues: August 9 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 12 12:00pm MT
EC: August 15 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 30 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Okeechobee, FL 09/05/2022
Pro Rodeo
Pete Clemons Memorial Labor Day Rodeo
Arena: OCCA Arena
Location: 1885 US HWY 441 N
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 5 2:00pm
Slack: September 5 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $71.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Big Water Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 23 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 26 9:30am MT
EC: August 29 9:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 31 5:00pm MT. Tractor Drag after 5. All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 7. Committee will drag at 5 or fewer. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them.

Okeechobee, FL 09/05/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Pete Clemons Memorial Labor Day Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: OCCA Arena
Location: 1885 US HWY 441 N
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 5 2:00pm
Slack: September 5 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $101.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Big Water Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 23 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 26 9:30am MT
EC: August 29 9:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 31 5:00pm MT. $0 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Blackfoot, ID 09/05/2022 - 09/06/2022

Pro Rodeo
Gem State Classic Pro Rodeo
Arena: Eastern Idaho State Fair
Location: 97 Park St.
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 5-6 7:30pm
Slack: September 5 after the performance
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - WPRA Tour (Barrels) / $86.00 / $2900.00
Stock Contractor: Powder River Rodeo
Member Dues: August 24 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 25 10:30am MT
EC: August 26 10:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 31 5:00pm MT. Co-Approved with Mountain States Circuit.

Blackfoot, ID 09/05/2022 - 09/06/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Gem State Classic Pro Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Eastern Idaho State Fair
Location: 97 Park St.
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 5-6 7:30pm
Slack: September 5 after the performance
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $126.00 / $750.00
Stock Contractor: Lori Franzen
Member Dues: August 23 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Circuit Permits Only
EOO: August 26 11:30am MT
EC: August 29 11:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 31 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Co-Approved with Mountain States and Montana Circuits. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Big Timber, MT 09/07/2022
Pro Rodeo
Big Timber Weekly Rodeo
Arena: Sweet Grass County Fairgrounds
Location: 79 Faigrounds Rd
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 7 7:00pm
Slack: September 7 8:00am
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $71.00 / $750.00
Stock Contractor: JS Rodeo
Member Dues: August 24 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 29 12:30pm MT
EC: August 30 12:30pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 1 5:00pm MT. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. Co-Approved with Wilderness and Mountain States Circuits.

Big Timber, MT 09/07/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Big Timber Weekly Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Sweet Grass County Fairgrounds
Location: 79 Faigrounds Rd
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 7 7:00pm
Slack: September 7 8:00am
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $126.00 / $750.00
Stock Contractor: JS Rodeo
Member Dues: August 24 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 29 12:30pm MT
EC: August 30 12:30pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 1 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Co-Approved with Mountain States and Wilderness Circuits. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Colfax, WA 09/08/2022 - 09/09/2022
Pro Rodeo
Palouse Empire Rodeo
Arena: Palouse Empire Fairgrounds
Location: 322 Fairgrounds Road
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 8-9 7:00pm
Slack: September 8 after the performance
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $76.00 / $1000.00
Stock Contractor: Aces Wild Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 24 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 29 11:00am MT
EC: August 30 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 1 5:00pm MT. Co-Approved with Montana Circuit.

Colfax, WA 09/08/2022 - 09/09/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Palouse Empire Rodeo- BREAKAWAY
Arena: Palouse Empire Fairgrounds
Location: 322 Fairgrounds Road
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 8-9 7:00pm
Slack: September 8 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $126.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Aces Wild Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 25 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 30 12:00pm MT
EC: August 31 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 1 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. Co-Approved with Wilderness and Montana Circuits.

Chickasha, OK 09/08/2022 - 09/10/2022
Pro Rodeo
Rodeo Grady County
Arena: Grady County Fairgrounds
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 8-10 7:00pm
Slack: September 7 8:00am
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $111.00 / $5000.00
Stock Contractor: Dakota Rodeo
Member Dues: August 12 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Card/Circuit Permits Only
EOO: August 17 10:00am MT
EC: August 19 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 31 5:00pm MT. GB Approved for first event in slack. Co-Approved with the Texas Circuit. Tractor drag after 6 if set up for 12 and 5 if set up for 10. All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the turn out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 7. Committee will drag at 6 or fewer if setup is 12 or 5 or fewer if setup is 10. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them. Run in and run out. (2022-08-16)

Chickasha, OK 09/08/2022 - 09/10/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Rodeo Grady County-BREAKAWAY
Arena: Grady County Fairgrounds
Location: 500 E Choctaw
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 8-10 7:00pm
Slack: September 7 8:00am
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $196.00 / $5000.00
Stock Contractor: Dakota Rodeo
Member Dues: August 16 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Card/Circuit Permits Only
EOO: August 19 12:00pm MT
EC: August 22 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 31 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. Co-Approved with the Texas Circuit. Contestants must take their calf within 30 seconds of receiving the "all clear" from the designated judge. Time will not start until arena is clear and calf is loaded with the neck rope on. Except in the case of mechanical failure or problem with the competition animal in the timed event chute in the opinion of the judges, calf will be released upon reaching 30 seconds if contestant has not called for him. (2022-08-16)

Fort Madison, IA 09/08/2022 - 09/10/2022
Pro Rodeo
Tri State Rodeo
Arena: C.E. Eddie Richards Arena
Location: 2103 303rd Ave
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 8-10 7:00pm
Slack: September 8 11:00am
Stalls: Yes. Portable Pens Allowed.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $156.00 / $11000.00
Stock Contractor: Cervi Championship Rodeo
Member Dues: August 5 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 10 9:30am MT
EC: August 12 9:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: EXTENDED: The trade deadline for all events for will be Wednesday, September 7 at 5:00 PM MT. GB approved for first event in slack. (2022-09-07)

Lewiston, ID 09/08/2022 - 09/10/2022
Pro Rodeo
Lewiston Roundup
Arena: Idaho Central Credit Union Outdoor Arena
Location: 2100 Tammany Creek Road
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 8-10 6:59pm
Slack: September 6 8:59am (2022-08-16)
Stalls: Yes
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $131.00 / $8838.00
Stock Contractor: Sankey Pro Rodeo & Phenom Genetics
Member Dues: August 10 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 12 10:30am MT
EC: August 16 10:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 31 5:00pm MT. Tractor Drag after 6. All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 7. Committee will drag at 6 or fewer. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them. GB Approved for first event in slack.

Lewiston, ID 09/08/2022 - 09/10/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Lewiston Roundup - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Idaho Central Credit Union Outdoor Arena
Location: 2100 Tammany Creek Road
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 8-10 6:59pm
Slack: September 6 8:59am
Stalls: Yes
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $146.00 / $1000.00
Stock Contractor: Sankey Pro Rodeo & Phenom Genetics
Member Dues: August 11 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 16 11:30am MT
EC: August 17 11:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: August 31 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Co-Approved with Montana and Wilderness Circuits. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Puyallup, WA 09/08/2022 - 09/11/2022
Pro Rodeo
NFR Playoff Series Finale
Arena: Main Grandstand
Location: 110 9th Ave Sw.
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two + Semi Finals(8) + Finals(4): September 8-9 6:30pm, September 10 1:00pm & 6:30pm; Semi Finals + Finals: September 11 1:00pm
Slack: No Slack
Stalls: No Stalls. The Puyallup Rodeo will not be providing stalls for contestants. Portable pens allowed. Please visit for directors to the contestants camping/parking area.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - NFR Playoff Series Finale (Barrels) / $521.00 / $74500.00
Stock Contractor: Bridwell Pro Rodeos
Member Dues: August 30 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: Limited to 24 consisting of top 23 in the 2022 NFR Playoff Series Standings plus the winner from the NFR Open.
EOO: September 2 12:00pm MT
EC: September 6 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: See attached ground rule or complete details. In addition to attached ground rules: WPRA barrel contestant entry fees will be paid by the WPRA. Each WPRA contestant will receive a Guaranteed Award of $500.
Only actual contestant and one companion allowed gate access. Companions and children stay in contestant hospitality area or grandstand seating during the rodeo and not behind chutes, staging area or arena after performance. Contestants with horses are to parade across from the camping/parking lot through the livestock gate on the fairgrounds to the arena in the main grandstand 1.5 hours prior to the start of rodeo performance. Contestants must follow the contestant escort/shuttle, for safety no single riders. Contestants with horses are to stay on the designated contestant escort/shuttle route to the arena and not wonder on fairgrounds. Rodeo Committee has clean-up crew scheduled for designated route. The Committee is requesting fastest time contestants to remain at arena following matinee performance on Saturday 9/10 for autograph session and the Playoff Championships on Sunday to remain for autograph session in the arena.
Click here for the Ground Rules

Puyallup, WA 09/08/2022 - 09/11/2022
WPRA Roping Division
NFR Playoff Series Finale - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Main Grandstand
Location: 110 9th Ave Sw.
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two + Semi Finals(8) + Finals(4): September 8-9 6:30pm, September 10 1:00pm & 6:30pm; Semi Finals + Finals: September 11 1:00pm
Slack: No Slack
Stalls: No Stalls. The Puyallup Rodeo will not be providing stalls for contestants. Portable pens allowed. Please visit for directors to the contestants camping/parking area.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - NFR Playoff Series Breakaway Finale (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $546.00 / $74500.00
Stock Contractor: Bridwell Pro Rodeos
Member Dues: August 30 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: Limited to 24 consisting of top 23 in the 2022 NFR Playoff Series Breakaway Standings plus the winner from the NFR Open.
EOO: September 2 12:00pm MT
EC: September 6 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: See attached ground rule or complete details. In addition to attached ground rules: WPRA breakaway contestant entry fees will be paid equally by the WPRA and PRCA. Each WPRA contestant will receive a Guaranteed Award of $500 provided equally by the PRCA and WPRA.
$25 Stock Charge. Only actual contestant and one companion allowed gate access. Companions and children stay in contestant hospitality area or grandstand seating during the rodeo and not behind chutes, staging area or arena after performance. Contestants with horses are to parade across from the camping/parking lot through the livestock gate on the fairgrounds to the arena in the main grandstand 1.5 hours prior to the start of rodeo performance. Contestants must follow the contestant escort/shuttle, for safety no single riders. Contestants with horses are to stay on the designated contestant escort/shuttle route to the arena and not wonder on fairgrounds. Rodeo Committee has clean-up crew scheduled for designated route. The Committee is requesting fastest time contestants to remain at arena following matinee performance on Saturday 9/10 for autograph session and the Playoff Championships on Sunday to remain for autograph session in the arena.
Click here for the Ground Rules

Levant, ME 09/09/2022
Pro Rodeo
Apple Hill Stables Rodeo
Arena: Apple Hill Arena
Location: 4261 Union St
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 9 7:00pm
Slack: September 9 after the performance
Stalls: Yes. $60/night. Portable Pens Allowed. Limited Hookups available. Contact 207-745-2542. See Apple Hill Stables web page for terms.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $76.00 / $1200.00
Stock Contractor: All American Pro Rodeo Company
Member Dues: August 25 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 30 11:30am MT
EC: August 31 11:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 2 5:00pm MT. Tractor Drag after 5.

Levant, ME 09/09/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Apple Hill Stables Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Apple Hill Arena
Location: 4261 Union St
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 9 7:00pm
Slack: September 9 after the performance
Stalls: Yes. $60/night. Portable Pens Allowed. Limited Hookups available. Contact 207-745-2542. See Apple Hill Stables web page for terms.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $121.00 / $1200.00
Stock Contractor: All American Rodeo Company
Member Dues: August 25 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 30 11:30am MT
EC: August 31 11:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 2 5:00pm MT. $0 Stock Charge. Rodeo committee will be giving out belt buckles to the contestant whom has the fastest time on Sunday for the entire three day rodeo. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Bushnell, FL 09/09/2022 - 09/10/2022
Pro Rodeo
Sumter County Fair Board Rodeo
Arena: Phillip Brady Arena
Location: 7620 SR 471
Indoor/Outdoor: Covered
Perfs/Time: Two: September 9-10 7:30pm
Slack: September 9 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $71.00 / $750.00
Stock Contractor: JC Kitaif
Member Dues: August 24 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 26 10:30am MT
EC: August 29 10:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 2 5:00pm MT. GB Approved for first event in slack.

Bushnell, FL 09/09/2022 - 09/10/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Sumter County Fair Board Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Sumter County Fair Association
Location: 7620 State Road 471
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 9-10 7:30pm
Slack: September 9 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $126.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: JC Kitaif
Member Dues: August 24 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 29 11:30am MT
EC: August 30 11:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 2 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge.

Coronation, AB 09/09/2022 - 09/10/2022
Pro Rodeo
Coronation Pro Rodeo
Arena: Coronation Rodeo Grounds
Location: SW 24-35-11 W4
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 9-10 7:00pm
Slack: September 10 9:00am
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $50.00 / $1500.00
Stock Contractor: Outlaw Buckers
Member Dues: August 17 4:00pm
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 22 8:00am
EC: August 22 2:00pm. See ground rules for online entry details.
Ground Rules: Online Entries- EOO: August 21 8:00am- ECO:August 22 2:00pm. See attached ground rules for additional details.
Click here for the Ground Rules

Coronation, AB 09/09/2022 - 09/10/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Coronation Pro Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Coronation Rodeo Grounds
Location: SW 24-35-11 W4
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 9-10 7:00pm
Slack: September 10 9:00am
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $80.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Outlaw Buckers
Member Dues: August 17 4:00pm
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 22 8:00am
EC: August 22 2:00pm. See ground rules for online entry details.
Ground Rules: Online Entries- EOO: August 21 8:00am- ECO:August 22 2:00pm. See attached ground rules for additional details.
Click here for the Ground Rules

Harrisburg, AR 09/09/2022 - 09/10/2022
Pro Rodeo
Poinsett County Fair Rodeo
Arena: Poinsett County Fairgrounds
Location: 204 Fairgrounds Rd
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 9-10 7:00pm
Slack: September 9 after the performance
Stalls: No. Hook-ups available.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $76.00 / $1000.00
Stock Contractor: Generations Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 24 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 29 10:00am MT
EC: August 30 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 2 5:00pm MT.

Harrisburg, AR 09/09/2022 - 09/10/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Poinsett County Fair Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Poinsett County Fairgrounds
Location: 204 Fairgrounds Rd
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 9-10 7:00pm
Slack: September 9 after the performance; September 10 after the performance
Stalls: No. Hook-ups available.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $146.00 / $1000.00
Stock Contractor: Generations Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 25 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 30 11:00am MT
EC: August 31 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 2 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge.

Northfield, MN 09/09/2022 - 09/10/2022
Pro Rodeo
Defeat of Jesse James Day Rodeo
Arena: Babcock Park
Location: Hwy 3 South
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 9 8:00pm; September 10 2:00pm & 8:00pm
Slack: September 9 after the performance
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $76.00 / $1400.00
Stock Contractor: Sutton Rodeo
Member Dues: August 22 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 25 11:00am MT
EC: August 26 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 2 5:00pm MT. Co-Approved with the Badlands Circuit. (2022-08-25)

Rice Lake, WI 09/09/2022 - 09/10/2022
Pro Rodeo
Barron County Pro Rodeo
Arena: Barron County Fairgrounds
Location: 101 Short Street
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 9-10 7:00pm
Slack: September 9 after the performance, September 10 after the performance
Stalls: Yes- All stalls must be paid for in advance/non-refundable $10. Contact 715-403-5162. No shaving for sale on site/bring your own. All hook-up must be paid for in advance/non-refundable $15. Contact 715-403-5162.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $91.00 / $3000.00
Stock Contractor: Universal Pro Rodeos
Member Dues: August 18 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 23 10:30am MT (2022-08-19)
EC: August 24 10:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 1 5:00pm MT. Tractor drag after 6. GB approve for first event in slack. (2022-08-25)

Spokane Valley, WA 09/09/2022 - 09/10/2022

Pro Rodeo
Spokane Interstate Rodeo
Arena: Spo. Co. Fair & Expo Center Grandstand Arena
Location: 5100 E Broadway Ave
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 9-10 7:00pm
Slack: September 10 8:00am
Stalls: Yes. $10 per night. Stall Phone 1-509-477-2772.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - WPRA Tour (Barrels) / $91.00 / $3000.00
Stock Contractor: Mike Corey
Member Dues: August 22 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Circuit Permits Only
EOO: August 22 12:00pm MT
EC: August 24 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 1 5:00pm MT. Co-Approved with Montana Circuit. Closed exit gate. Contestant and one guest are admitted free for the performance the contestant is entered in; All others $13. TETWP September 9. Hospitality tent available prior to performance.

Banning, CA 09/09/2022 - 09/11/2022

Pro Rodeo
Stagecoach Days PRCA Rodeo
Arena: Dysart Park
Location: 2107 W. Victory Ave.
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 9-10 7:00pm September 11 4:00pm
Slack: September 9 after the performance
Stalls: No.Portable Pens Allowed
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - WPRA Tour (Barrels) / $76.00 / $1500.00 (2022-10-18)
Stock Contractor: Honeycutt Rodeo, INC.
Member Dues: August 19 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 24 10:30am MT
EC: August 25 10:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 1 5:00pm MT. Hand rake after 5. Co-Approved Wilderness and Turquoise Circuits

Banning, CA 09/09/2022 - 09/11/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Stagecoach Days PRCA Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Dysart Park
Location: 2107 W. Victory Ave.
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 9-10 7:00pm, September 11 4:00pm
Slack: September 9 after the performance
Stalls: No. Portable Pens Allowed
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $146.00 / $1500.00
Stock Contractor: Honeycutt Rodeo, INC.
Member Dues: August 22 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 25 11:30am MT
EC: August 26 11:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline:September 1, 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Co-Approved with Wilderness & Turquoise Circuits.Grace Period- Will expire one hour after entries close.

Salt Lake City, UT 09/09/2022 - 09/11/2022

Pro Rodeo
Utah's Own Rodeo at the Utah State Fair
Arena: Days of '47 Arena at Utah State Fair Park
Location: 155 North 1000 West
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 9-10 7:00pm, September 11 6:00pm
Slack: September 10 10:00am
Stalls: Yes. Hook-ups available. Contact 801-538-8400
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - WPRA Tour (Barrels) / $111.00 / $4000.00
Stock Contractor: Bar T Rodeo
Member Dues: August 16 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 19 10:00am MT
EC: August 22 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 1 5:00pm MT. Contestant and one companion admitted with WPRA card - others require a ticket. No tying to fences, except in designated areas.

Salt Lake City, UT 09/09/2022 - 09/11/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Utah's Own Rodeo at the Utah State Fair - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Days of '47 Arena at Utah State Fair Park
Location: 155 North 1000 West
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 9-10 7:00pm; September 11 6:00pm
Slack: September 10 10:00am
Stalls: Yes. Hook-ups available. Contact 801-538-8400
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $166.00 / $4000.00
Stock Contractor: Bar T Rodeo
Member Dues: August 23 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 22 11:30am MT
EC: August 25 11:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 1 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Contestant and one companion admitted with WPRA card - others require a ticket. No tying to fences, except in designated areas. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Abilene, TX 09/09/2022 - 09/17/2022
Pro Rodeo
West Texas Fair & Rodeo
Arena: Taylor Telecom Arena
Location: 1801 E.S. 11th
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Perfs/Time: Five: September 9-10 7:30pm: September 15-17 7:30pm
Slack: September 16 8:00am
Stalls: Yes. Hook-ups also available. Contact 325-677-4376.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $131.00 / $7500.00
Stock Contractor: Beutler & Son
Member Dues: August 10 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 15 10:00am MT
EC: August 17 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 1 5:00pm MT. Drag at 5 or 6 (Depending on if the rodeo is set up for 10 or 12).

Abilene, TX 09/09/2022 - 09/17/2022
WPRA Roping Division
West Texas Fair & Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Taylor Telecom Arena
Location: 1801 E.S. 11th
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Perfs/Time: Five: September 9-10 7:30pm: September 15-17 7:30pm
Slack: September 9 8:00am
Stalls: Yes. Hook-ups also available. Contact 325-677-4376
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $196.00 / $7500.00
Stock Contractor: Beutler & Son
Member Dues: August 15 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 18 12:00pm MT
EC: August 19 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 1 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Laton, CA 09/10/2022
Pro Rodeo
Laton Lions Fall Round Up
Arena: Laton Lions Club Arena
Location: 6345 Nares Avenue
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 10 6:30pm
Slack: September 10 after the performance
Stalls: No. Portable Pens Allowed.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $71.00 / $750.00
Stock Contractor: All In Pro Rodeos
Member Dues: August 25 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 30 10:30am MT
EC: August 31 10:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 6 5:00pm MT. Tractor Drag after 6. All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 7. Committee will drag at 6 or fewer. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Levant, ME 09/10/2022
Pro Rodeo
Apple Hill Stables Rodeo
Arena: Apple Hill Arena
Location: 4261 Union St
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 10 6:00pm (2022-08-25)
Slack: September 10 after the performance
Stalls: Yes. $60/night. Portable Pens Allowed. Limited Hookups available. Contact 207-745-2542. See Apple Hill Stables web page for terms.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $76.00 / $1200.00
Stock Contractor: All American Rodeo Company
Member Dues: August 26 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 31 11:30am MT
EC: September 1 11:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 6 5:00pm MT. Tractor Drag after 5.

Levant, ME 09/10/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Apple Hill Stables Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Apple Hill Arena
Location: 4261 Union St
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 10 6:00pm
Slack: September 10 after the performance.
Stalls: Yes. $60/night. Portable Pens Allowed. Limited Hookups available. Contact 207-745-2542. See Apple Hill Stables web page for terms.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $121.00 / $1200.00
Stock Contractor: All American Rodeo Company
Member Dues: August 26 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 31 11:30am MT
EC: September 1 11:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 6 5:00pm MT. $0 Stock Charge. Rodeo committee will be giving out belt buckles to the contestant whom has the fastest time on Sunday for the entire three day rodeo. Grace Period expires one hour after entries close.

Medicine Lodge, AB 09/10/2022
Pro Rodeo
Medicine Lodge Fall Round-Up
Arena: Medicine Lodge Rodeo Grounds
Location: SW 34-52-21-W5M
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 10 1:00pm
Slack: September 9 1:00pm
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $50.00 / $1500.00
Stock Contractor: Duffy Rodeo
Member Dues: August 18 4:00pm
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 23 8:00am
EC: August 23 2:00pm. See ground rules for online entry details.
Ground Rules: Online Entries- EOO:August 22 8:00am- ECO:August 23 2:00pm. See attached ground rules for more information.
Click here for the Ground Rules

Woodstown, NJ 09/10/2022
Pro Rodeo
Cowtown Rodeo
Arena: Cowtown Rodeo Arena
Location: 780 Rt. 40
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 10 7:30pm
Slack: September 10 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $76.00 / $1000.00
Stock Contractor: Grant Harris/RJ Griscom
Member Dues: August 30 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 2 11:00am MT
EC: September 6 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: All contestants must ride in grand entry, and carry flags. Not taking entry fees onsite. Must pay through WPRA Portal or the WPRA Office. Grace Period will expire 30 min after entries close. No Buddying Allowed. No trades permitted. No electronic devices in the arena such as Go Pro's, radio's, video equipment etc. Barrels Racers must enter the arena completely/Pivot then go. NO run ins! Rule 9.2.3 & Rule 12.7.1 will be strongly enforced. (2022-10-18)

Woodstown, NJ 09/10/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Cowtown Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Cowtown Rodeo Arena
Location: 780 Rt. 40
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 10 7:30pm
Slack: No Slack
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $126.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Grant Harris/RJ Griscom
Member Dues: August 30 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits - Limited to 15
EOO: September 2 11:00am MT
EC: September 6 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: $25 Stock Charge. Limited to 15. Qualifications: Random draw of entered card holders. If less then 15 card holders enter, remaining position will be filled from a random draw of entered permit holders. "30 Hour Replacement Policy" in effect. Minimum of 5 entries or no contest. All contestants must ride in grand entry, and carry flags. Not taking entry fees onsite. Must pay through WPRA Portal or the WPRA Office. Grace Period will expire 30 min after entries close. No Buddying Allowed. No trades permitted. No electronic devices in the arena such as Go Pro's, radio's, video equipment etc.Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. (2022-10-18)

Cashmere, WA 09/10/2022 - 09/11/2022
Pro Rodeo
Chelan County Fair & Rodeo
Arena: Chelan County Fairgrounds
Location: 5700 Westcott Dr
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 10 7:00pm; September 11 1:00pm
Slack: September 10 after the performance.
Stalls: No. Portable Pens Allowed.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $76.00 / $1000.00
Stock Contractor: Aces Wild Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 26 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 31 11:00am MT
EC: September 1 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 6 5:00pm MT.

Cashmere, WA 09/10/2022 - 09/11/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Chelan County Fair & Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Chelan County Fairgrounds
Location: 5700 Westcott Dr
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 10 7:00pm; September 11 1:00pm
Slack: September 10 after the performance.
Stalls: No. Portable Pens Allowed.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $146.00 / $1000.00
Stock Contractor: Aces Wild Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 29 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 1 12:00pm MT
EC: September 2 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 6 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Levant, ME 09/11/2022
Pro Rodeo
Apple Hill Stables Rodeo
Arena: Apple Hill Arena
Location: 4261 Union St
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 11 2:00pm
Slack: September 11 10:00am
Stalls: Yes. Portable Pens Allowed. Limited Hookups available. Contact 207-745-2542. See Apple Hill Stables web page for terms.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $76.00 / $1200.00
Stock Contractor: All American Pro Rodeo Company
Member Dues: August 29 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 1 11:30am MT
EC: September 2 11:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 7 5:00pm MT. Tractor Drag after 5.

Levant, ME 09/11/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Apple Hill Stables Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Apple Hill Arena
Location: 4261 Union St
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 11 2:00pm
Slack: September 11 10:00am
Stalls: Yes. $60/night. Portable Pens Allowed. Limited Hookups available. Contact 207-745-2542. See Apple Hill Stables web page for terms.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $121.00 / $1200.00
Stock Contractor: All American Rodeo Company
Member Dues: August 29 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 1 11:30am MT
EC: September 2 11:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 7 5:00pm MT. $0 Stock Charge. Rodeo committee will be giving out belt buckles to the contestant whom has the fastest time on Sunday for the entire three day rodeo. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Waco, TX 09/12/2022
Pro Rodeo
Qualifier for Permit Finals
Arena: Extraco Events Center
Location: 4601 Bosque Blvd.
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Perfs/Time: September 12 1:00pm
Slack: No Slack
Stalls: Yes
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $86.00 / $0.00
Stock Contractor: Various
Member Dues: August 31 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: 2022 Season Permits Only (2022-09-01)
EOO: September 6 12:00pm MT
EC: September 8 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Qualifier will be held in the Extraco Show Pavilion. See attached ground rules for complete details.
Click here for the Ground Rules

Waco, TX 09/12/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Qualifier for Permit Finals- BREAKAWAY
Arena: Extraco Events Center
Location: 4601 Bosque Blvd.
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Perfs/Time: September 12 9:00am
Slack: No Slack
Stalls: Yes
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $146.00 / $0.00
Stock Contractor: Various
Member Dues: August 31 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: 2022 Season Permits Only (2022-09-01)
EOO: September 6 12:00pm MT
EC: September 8 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Qualifier will be held in the Extraco Show Pavilion. See attached ground rules for complete details.
Click here for the Ground Rules

Pendleton, OR 09/12/2022 - 09/17/2022
Pro Rodeo
Pendleton Roundup
Arena: Pendleton Round-Up Arena
Location: 1205 SW Court Street
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three + Finals: September 14-16 1:15pm; Finals: September 17 1:15pm
Slack: September 12 3:30pm
Stalls: Yes.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $266.00 / $40000.00
Stock Contractor: Sankey Pro Rodeo & Phenom Genetics
Member Dues: August 16 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 19 11:00am MT
EC: August 24 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline September 7 5:00pm MT. The Top 12 Contestants will make it to the finals, ties to 15 and if more than 15 the last tie will be excluded. All contestants will be required to sign a liability release before they compete. All contestants must wear back number on their backs and be visible while in arena.

Pendleton, OR 09/12/2022 - 09/17/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Pendleton Roundup - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Pendleton Round-Up Arena
Location: 1205 SW Court Street
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three + Finals: September 14-16 1:15pm; Finals: September 17 1:15pm
Slack: September 12 9:30am
Stalls: Yes.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $256.00 / $40000.00
Stock Contractor: Sankey Pro Rodeo & Phenom Genetics
Member Dues: August 22 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits - Limited to 100.
EOO: August 25 11:00am MT
EC: August 26 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 7 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Limited to 100. Qualifications: 70 from the 2022 Pro Rodeo Breakaway World Standings based on earnings seven days prior to entries closing, 30 from the 2022 Pro Rodeo Breakaway Columbia River Circuit Standings based on earning seven days prior to entries closing. "30 Hour Replacement Policy" in effect. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. Paid out as 1 Go, Finals, Average. 12 contestants per performance. The Top 12 Contestants will make it to the finals, ran slowest to fastest, ties to 15 and if more than 15 the last tie will be excluded. Score 12'. Will use the same liners as the PRCA TD roping event. Roper may choose to come from the Headers Side. They must notify office 1 and 1/2 Hours before the performance starts. The liners will not move from the headers side. (2022-10-18)

Albuquerque, NM 09/14/2022 - 09/18/2022
Pro Rodeo
New Mexico State Fair & Rodeo
Arena: Tingley Coliseum
Location: 300 San Pedro NE
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Perfs/Time: Five: September 14-17 6:45pm; September 18 4:00pm
Slack: September 18 9:00am
Stalls: Yes.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $156.00 / $11000.00 (2022-10-18)
Stock Contractor: Hi Lo Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 19 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 24 10:00am MT
EC: August 26 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 7 5:00pm MT. GB Approved for the first event in slack.

Buffalo, TX 09/16/2022 - 09/17/2022
Pro Rodeo
Buffalo Pro Rodeo presented by Bill Fick Ford
Arena: Leon County Expo Center
Location: 3637 CR 305
Indoor/Outdoor: Covered
Perfs/Time: Two: September 16-17 7:30pm
Slack: September 17 11:00am
Stalls: Yes $25/night. Hook-ups available. Contact 254-747-1918.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $91.00 / $3000.00
Stock Contractor: Pickett Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 29 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 1 10:30am MT
EC: September 2 10:30am MT (2022-07-19)
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 9 5:00pm MT. GB Approved for first event in slack. Co-Approved with the Southeastern Circuit. (2022-07-19)

Forrest City, AR 09/16/2022 - 09/17/2022
Pro Rodeo
Crowley's Ridge Saddle Club
Arena: Wiley T. Jones Fairgrounds
Location: Hwy 1 South
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 16-17 7:30pm
Slack: September 16 after the performance; September 17 after the performance
Stalls: Yes. Hook-ups also available on a first come first serve basis.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $76.00 / $1000.00
Stock Contractor: Universal Pro Rodeos LLC
Member Dues: August 30 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 2 10:30am MT
EC: September 7 10:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 9 5:00pm MT. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. Co-Approved with Great Lakes Circuit.

Hanna, AB 09/16/2022 - 09/17/2022
Pro Rodeo
Hanna Indoor Pro Rodeo
Arena: Hanna Arena
Location: 501 3rd St. W
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 16 7:00pm; September 17 3:00pm
Slack: September 17 10:00am
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $75.00 / $2100.00
Stock Contractor: Bigstone Rodeo Inc
Member Dues: August 26 4:00pm
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 31 8:00am
EC: August 31 2:00pm. See ground rules for online entry details.
Ground Rules: See attached ground rules. Online Entries- EOO: August 30 8:00am- ECO: August 31 2:00pm.
Click here for the Ground Rules

Hanna, AB 09/16/2022 - 09/17/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Hanna Indoor Pro Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Hanna Arena
Location: 501 3rd St. W
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 16 7:00pm; September 17 3:00pm
Slack: September 17 10:00am
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $100.00 / $1000.00
Stock Contractor: Bigstone Rodeo Inc
Member Dues: August 26 4:00pm
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 31 8:00am
EC: August 31 2:00pm. See ground rules for online entry details.
Ground Rules: See attached ground rules. Online Entries- EOO: August 30 8:00am- ECO: August 31 2:00pm.

Hot Springs, AR 09/16/2022 - 09/17/2022
Pro Rodeo
Garland County Fair and Rodeo
Arena: Garland County Fairgrounds
Location: 4831 Malvern Road
Indoor/Outdoor: Covered
Perfs/Time: Two: September 16-17 8:00pm
Slack: September 16 after the performance; September 17 after the performance
Stalls: Yes. $20/night. Contact 501-617-7995.Limited Hook-ups available. First Come-First Serve. Contact 501-617-7995.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $76.00 / $1000.00
Stock Contractor: Generations Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: September 12 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 7 10:00am MT
EC: September 8 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 12 5:00pm MT. Co-Approved with Texas Circuit, Prairie Circuit, and Great Lakes Circuit.

Hot Springs, AR 09/16/2022 - 09/17/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Garland County Fair and Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Garland County Fairgrounds
Location: 4831 Malvern Road
Indoor/Outdoor: Covered
Perfs/Time: Two: September 16-17 8:00pm
Slack: September 16 after the performance; September 17 after the performance
Stalls: Yes. $20/night. Contact 501-617-7995.Limited Hook-ups available. First Come-First Serve. Contact 501-617-7995.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $146.00 / $1000.00
Stock Contractor: Generatiosn Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: September 2 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 8 11:30am MT
EC: September 9 11:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 12 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. Co-Approved with the Prairie, Great Lake, and Texas Circuits.

Olds, AB 09/16/2022 - 09/17/2022
Pro Rodeo
Arena: Olds Regional Exhibition Grounds
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 16-17 6:00pm
Slack: September 16 8:00am
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $100.00 / $4000.00
Stock Contractor: C5 Rodeo Company
Member Dues: August 25 4:00pm
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 30 8:00am
EC: August 30 2:00pm. See ground rules for online entry details.
Ground Rules: Online Entries- EOO:August 29 8:00am- ECO:August 30 2:00pm. See attached ground rules for additional details.
Click here for the Ground Rules

Olds, AB 09/16/2022 - 09/17/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Oldstoberfest - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Olds Regional Exhibition Grounds
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 16-17 6:00pm
Slack: September 16 8:00am
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $100.00 / $1000.00
Stock Contractor: C5 Rodeo Company
Member Dues: August 25 4:00pm
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 30 8:00am
EC: August 30 2:00pm. See ground rules for online entry details.
Ground Rules: Online Entries- EOO:August 29 8:00am- ECO:August 30 2:00pm. See attached ground rules for additional details.

Othello, WA 09/16/2022 - 09/17/2022

Pro Rodeo
Othello PRCA Rodeo
Arena: Othello Rodeo Arena
Location: 821 S. Reynolds Rd.
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 16-17 8:00pm
Slack: September 17 8:00am
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - WPRA Tour (Barrels) / $86.00 / $2500.00 (2022-08-20)
Stock Contractor: Big Bend Rodeo
Member Dues: August 26 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 31 10:30am MT
EC: September 1 10:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 9 5:00pm MT.

Othello, WA 09/16/2022 - 09/17/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Othello PRCA Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Othello Rodeo Arena
Location: 821 S. Reynolds Rd.
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 16-17 8:00pm
Slack: September 17 8:00am
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $146.00 / $1500.00
Stock Contractor: Big Bend Rodeo
Member Dues: August 29 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 1 11:00am MT
EC: September 2 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 9 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge.

Searcy, AR 09/16/2022 - 09/17/2022
Pro Rodeo
2nd Annual White County PRCA Rodeo
Arena: White County Fairgrounds
Location: 802 Davis Dr
Indoor/Outdoor: Covered
Perfs/Time: Two: September 16-17 7:00pm
Slack: September 16 after the performance, September 17 after the performance if needed
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $76.00 / $1750.00
Stock Contractor: Hampton Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 30 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 2 9:30am MT
EC: September 6 9:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 9 5:00pm MT. Co-Approved with the Great Lakes and Prairie Circuits. Update: Due to being set up for 16 in each performance, will tractor drag after 8. (2022-09-09)

Searcy, AR 09/16/2022 - 09/17/2022
WPRA Roping Division
2nd Annual White County PRCA Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: White County Fairgrounds
Location: 802 Davis Dr
Indoor/Outdoor: Covered
Perfs/Time: Two: September 16-17 7:00pm
Slack: September 16 after the performance, September 17 after the performance if needed
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $146.00 / $1750.00
Stock Contractor: Hampton Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: September 1 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 6 11:30am MT
EC: September 7 11:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 9 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. Co-Approved with Great Lakes Circuit.

Woodstown, NJ 09/17/2022
Pro Rodeo
Cowtown Rodeo
Arena: Cowtown Rodeo Arena
Location: 780 Rt. 40
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 17 7:30pm
Slack: September 17 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $76.00 / $1000.00
Stock Contractor: Grant Harris/RJ Griscom
Member Dues: September 6 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 9 11:00am MT
EC: September 12 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: All contestants must ride in grand entry, and carry flags. Not taking entry fees onsite. Must pay through WPRA Portal or the WPRA Office. Grace Period will expire 30 min after entries close. No Buddying Allowed. No trades permitted. No electronic devices in the arena such as Go Pro's, radio's, video equipment etc. Barrels Racers must enter the arena completely/Pivot then go. NO run ins! Rule 9.2.3 & Rule 12.7.1 will be strongly enforced. (2022-10-18)

Woodstown, NJ 09/17/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Cowtown Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Cowtown Rodeo Arena
Location: 780 Rt. 40
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 17 7:30pm
Slack: No Slack
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $126.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Grant Harris/RJ Griscom
Member Dues: September 6 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits - Limited to 15
EOO: September 9 11:00am MT
EC: September 12 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: $25 Stock Charge. Limited to 15. Qualifications: Random draw of entered card holders. If less then 15 card holders enter, remaining position will be filled from a random draw of entered permit holders. "30 Hour Replacement Policy" in effect. Minimum of 5 entries or no contest. All contestants must ride in grand entry, and carry flags. Not taking entry fees onsite. Must pay through WPRA Portal or the WPRA Office. Grace Period will expire 30 min after entries close. No Buddying Allowed. No trades permitted. No electronic devices in the arena such as Go Pro's, radio's, video equipment etc.Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. (2022-10-18)

Marysville, CA 09/17/2022 - 09/18/2022
Pro Rodeo
Marysville Stampede
Arena: Cotton Rosser Arena-Riverfront Park
Location: 600 Biz Johnson Drive
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 17 5:00pm; September 18 3:30pm
Slack: September 18 10:00am
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $76.00 / $1500.00
Stock Contractor: Rosser Rodeo
Member Dues: August 30 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 2 10:30am MT
EC: September 6 10:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 12 5:00pm MT.

Amarillo, TX 09/22/2022 - 09/24/2022
Pro Rodeo
Amarillo Tri State Fair & Rodeo
Arena: Amarillo National Center
Location: 3301 SE 10th Ave
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 22-24 7:30pm
Slack: September 21 9:00am
Stalls: Yes. $20 Per night.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $111.00 / $5000.00
Stock Contractor: Stace Smith Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 30 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 2 10:00am MT
EC: September 6 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 14 5:00pm MT. Co-Approved with Turquoise and Prairie Circuits. Tractor drag after 6. All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the turn out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 7. Committee will drag at 6 or fewer. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them.

Amarillo, TX 09/22/2022 - 09/24/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Amarillo Tri State Fair & Rodeo- BREAKAWAY
Arena: Amarillo National Center
Location: 3301 SE 10th Ave
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 22-24 7 :30pm
Slack: September 21 9:00am
Stalls: Yes. $20 Per night.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $196.00 / $5000.00
Stock Contractor: Stace Smith Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: September 2 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 7 11:30am MT
EC: September 8 11:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 14 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Co-Approved with Turquoise, Mountain States, and Prairie Circuits.

New Braunfels, TX 09/22/2022 - 09/24/2022

Pro Rodeo
Comal County Fair & Rodeo
Arena: Comal County Fair & Rodeo
Location: 701 Common Street
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 22-24 7:30pm
Slack: September 24 9:00am
Stalls: Yes. Contact 830.832.6969
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - WPRA Tour (Barrels) / $86.00 / $2000.00
Stock Contractor: Lancaster Jones Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: September 8 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 13 10:00am MT
EC: September 14 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline:September 15, 5:00pm. GB approved for first in slack. Tractor drag after 5. All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 7. Committee will drag at 5 or fewer. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them. All contestants with horses must have proof of current Health & Coggins papers.Only one actual contestant and one companion allowed gate access. All timed event contestants must exit arena after competing.

Springhill, LA 09/22/2022 - 09/24/2022

Pro Rodeo
Springhill PRCA Rodeo
Arena: Springhill Rodeo Arena
Location: 1000 Machen Dr
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 22-24 7:45pm
Slack: September 23 9:00am
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - WPRA Tour (Barrels) / $111.00 / $4500.00 (2022-08-20)
Stock Contractor: Big Rafter
Member Dues: September 2 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 7 11:00am MT
EC: September 8 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 15 5:00pm MT. Co-Approved with Prairie and Texas Circuits. Rodeo provided meal at concession stand.

Springhill, LA 09/22/2022 - 09/24/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Springhill PRCA Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Springhill Rodeo Arena
Location: 1000 Machen Dr
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 22-24 7:45pm
Slack: September 23 9:00am
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $146.00 / $2000.00
Stock Contractor: Big Rafter
Member Dues: September 6 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 9 10:30am MT
EC: September 12 10:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 15 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge, Co-Approved with Prairie and Texas Circuits. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Bunnell, FL 09/23/2022
Pro Rodeo
Flagler County Pro Rodeo
Arena: Flagler County Fairgrounds
Location: 150 Sawgrass Rd.
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 23 7:00pm
Slack: September 23 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $71.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Big Water Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: September 12 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 15 10:00am MT
EC: September 16 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 19 5:00pm MT. Tractor Drag after 5.

Bunnell, FL 09/23/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Flagler County Pro Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Flagler County Fairgrounds
Location: 150 Sawgrass Rd.
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 23 7:00pm
Slack: September 23 after the performance (2022-09-06)
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $101.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Big Water Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: September 12 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 15 10:00am MT
EC: September 16 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 19 5:00pm MT. $0 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Baker, FL 09/23/2022 - 09/24/2022
Pro Rodeo
Okalossa ProRodeo
Arena: Baker Arena Recreation Association
Location: 5503 Hwy 4
Indoor/Outdoor: Covered
Perfs/Time: Two: September 23-24 7:30pm
Slack: September 23 after the performance
Stalls: Yes. $35/night. Hook-ups also available - Contact 601-814-9059.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $71.00 / $625.00
Stock Contractor: JC Kitaif Pro Rodeos
Member Dues: September 9 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 14 12:00pm MT
EC: September 15 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 19 5:00pm MT. GB Approved for first event in slack.

Baker, FL 09/23/2022 - 09/24/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Okalossa ProRodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Baker Arena Recreation Association
Location: 5503 Hwy 4
Indoor/Outdoor: Covered
Perfs/Time: Two: September 23-24 7:30pm
Slack: September 23 after the performance
Stalls: Yes. $35/night. Hook-ups also available - Contact 601-814-9059.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $126.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: JC Kitaif Pro Rodeos
Member Dues: September 12 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 15 11:00am MT
EC: September 16 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 19 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge.

Edmonton, AB 09/23/2022 - 09/24/2022
Pro Rodeo
Edmonton Pro Rodeo
Arena: Expo Centre, Hall D
Location: 7515 118 Ave NW
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 23-24 7:00pm
Slack: September 24 10:00am (2022-08-25)
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $125.00 / $8000.00 (2022-08-25)
Stock Contractor: C5 Rodeo Company
Member Dues: August 31 4:00pm
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 6 8:00am
EC: September 6 2:00pm. See ground rules for online entry details.
Ground Rules: Online Entries- EOO:September 5 8:00am- ECO:September 6 2:00pm. See attached ground rules for additional details.
Click here for the Ground Rules

Edmonton, AB 09/23/2022 - 09/24/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Edmonton Pro Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Expo Centre, Hall D
Location: 7515 118 Ave NW
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 23-24 7:00pm
Slack: September 24 10:00am
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $100.00 / $1000.00
Stock Contractor: C5 Rodeo Company
Member Dues: August 31 4:00pm
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 6 8:00am
EC: September 6 2:00pm. See ground rules for online entry details.
Ground Rules: Online Entries- EOO:September 5 8:00am- ECO:September 6 2:00pm. See attached ground rules for additional details
Click here for the Ground Rules

Mona, UT 09/23/2022 - 09/24/2022
Pro Rodeo
Young Living's Last Chance PRCA Rodeo
Arena: Young Living Farms
Location: 3700 N. Us Highway 91
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 23-24 7:00pm
Slack: September 21 3:00pm
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $131.00 / $7000.00
Stock Contractor: Bar T Rodeo
Member Dues: August 24 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 26 10:00am MT (2022-08-26)
EC: August 29 10:00am MT (2022-08-26)
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 16 5:00pm MT. All contestants are required to sign a release prior to competition.

Omaha, NE 09/23/2022 - 09/24/2022
Pro Rodeo
Omaha River City Rodeo
Arena: CHI Health Center Arena
Location: 455 North 10th St.
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 23-24 7:30pm
Slack: September 23 8:00am
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $111.00 / $5000.00
Stock Contractor: Cervi Championship Rodeo
Member Dues: August 29 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: Cards Only
EOO: August 30 10:00am MT
EC: September 1 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 15 5:00pm MT. All contestants must have current health papers and coggins paperwork. All contestants must keep livestock off the grass. Co-Approved with the Great Lakes Circuit.

Omaha, NE 09/23/2022 - 09/24/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Omaha River City Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: CHI Health Center Arena
Location: 455 North 10th St.
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 23-24 7:30pm
Slack: September 23 8:00am
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $196.00 / $5000.00
Stock Contractor: Cervi Brothers
Member Dues: August 30 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 2 12:00pm MT
EC: September 6 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 15 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Grace period will expire one hour after entries close. Co-Approved with the Badlands and Great Lakes Circuits. (2022-08-30)

Poway, CA 09/23/2022 - 09/24/2022

Pro Rodeo
Poway Rodeo
Arena: Russ Sheldon Memorial Arena
Location: 14336 Tierra Bonita Rd.
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 23 7:30pm, September 1:00pm, September 24 7:30pm
Slack: September 23 10:00am
Stalls: No. Yes Portable Pens. Pen size cannot exceed 10x10
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - WPRA Tour (Barrels) / $111.00 / $5000.00
Stock Contractor: Salt River Rodeo
Member Dues: September 1 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 6 11:00am MT
EC: September 7 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 16 5:00pm MT. Co-Approved with Turquoise Circuit. Only contestant and one companion will be allowed in gate. All contestants must wear their assigned back number while in arena.Hospitality tent available for contestant and companion only. Rodeo committee to give Champion Buckle to 1st place contestant. Tractor Drag after 6 and hand rake after each contestant. All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 7. Committee will drag at 6 or fewer. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them. (2022-09-07)

Poway, CA 09/23/2022 - 09/24/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Poway Rodeo -BREAKAWAY
Arena: Russ Sheldon Memorial Arena
Location: 14336 Tierra Bonita Rd.
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 23 7:30pm, September 1:00Ppm, September 24 7:30pm
Slack: September 23 10:00am
Stalls: No. Yes Portable Pens. Pen size cannot exceed 10x10
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $196.00 / $5000.00
Stock Contractor: Salt River
Member Dues: September 5 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 8 10:30am MT
EC: September 9 10:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 16 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Only contestant and one companion will be allowed in gate. All contestants must wear their assigned back number while in arena.Hospitality tent available for contestant and companion only. Rodeo committee to give Champion Buckle to 1st place contestant. Co-Approved with the Turquoise Circuit.

Seminole, TX 09/23/2022 - 09/24/2022
Pro Rodeo
Gaines County Riding Club Pro Rodeo
Arena: Seminole Rodeo Arena
Location: 147 CR 103
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 23-24 7:30pm
Slack: September 24 9:00am
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $76.00 / $1000.00
Stock Contractor: Hurst & TNT Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: September 9 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 14 10:00am MT
EC: September 15 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 19 5:00pm MT. Tractor Drag after 5. All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 7. Committee will drag at 5 or fewer. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them. Co-Approved with the Turquoise Circuit.

Seminole, TX 09/23/2022 - 09/24/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Gaines County Riding Club Pro Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Seminole Rodeo Arena
Location: 147 CR 103
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 23-24 7:30pm
Slack: September 24 9:00am
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $146.00 / $1000.00
Stock Contractor: Hurst & TNT Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: September 12 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 15 11:30am MT
EC: September 16 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 19 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Co-Approved with the Turquoise Circuit. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

San Bernardino, CA 09/23/2022 - 09/25/2022
Pro Rodeo
Sheriff's PRCA Rodeo
Arena: Sheriff's Rodeo Arena
Location: Glen Helen Parkway
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 23-24 8:00pm; September 25 6:00pm
Slack: September 24 9:00am
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $131.00 / $7500.00
Stock Contractor: Bridwell Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 23 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: August 26 10:30am MT
EC: August 30 10:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline:September 16 5:00pm MT. Tractor drag after 5. All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the turn out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 7. Committee will drag at 5 or fewer. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them. No contestant permitted in competition arena at any time other than when competing. Rodeo committee to award buckle to event winner.

Stephenville, TX 09/23/2022 - 09/25/2022
Pro Rodeo
Cowboy Capital of the World PRCA Rodeo
Arena: Lone Star Arena
Location: 4696 N us Hwy 377
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 23-24 7:00pm, September 25 2:00pm
Slack: September 22 6:00pm
Stalls: Yes- $30/night. Hook-ups also available. Contact 254-595-2868.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $111.00 / $4000.00
Stock Contractor: Pete Carr Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: August 30 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 2 11:30am MT
EC: September 7 11:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 15 5:00pm MT. GB approved for first event in slack. Tractor drag at 5.

Stephenville, TX 09/23/2022 - 09/25/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Cowboy Capital of the World PRCA Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Lone Star Arena
Location: 4696 N us Hwy 377
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 23-24 7:00pm, September 25 2:00pm
Slack: September 23 9:00am
Stalls: Yes- $30/night. Hook-ups also available. Contact 254-595-2868.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $166.00 / $4000.00
Stock Contractor: Pete Carr Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: September 2 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 8 12:00pm MT
EC: September 9 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 15 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Grace period will expire one hour after entries close. Co-Approved with the Prairie Circuit.

Bunnell, FL 09/24/2022
Pro Rodeo
Flagler County Pro Rodeo
Arena: Flagler County Fairgrounds
Location: 150 Sawgrass Rd.
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 24 7:00pm
Slack: September 24 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $71.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Big Water Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: September 14 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 19 10:00am MT
EC: September 20 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 21 5:00pm MT. Tractor Drag after 5.

Bunnell, FL 09/24/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Flagler County Pro Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Flagler County Fairgrounds
Location: 150 Sawgrass Rd.
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 24 7:00pm
Slack: September 24 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $101.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Big Water Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: September 14 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 19 10:00am MT
EC: September 20 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 21 5:00pm MT. $0 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Dickinson, ND 09/24/2022
Pro Rodeo
Wild Rides Rodeo Dickinson
Arena: Stark County Fairgrounds
Location: 4024 Hwy 22
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 24 3:00pm
Slack: September 24 10:00am
Stalls: Yes.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $91.00 / $3000.00
Stock Contractor: Fettig Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: September 7 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 12 10:00am MT
EC: September 13 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 19 5:00pm MT. Co-Approved with Montana Circuit. Tractor Drag after 6.All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 7. Committee will drag at 6 or fewer. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them.Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. (2022-09-06)

Dickinson, ND 09/24/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Wild Rides Rodeo Dickinson - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Stark County Fairgrounds
Location: 4024 Hwy 22
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 24 3:00pm
Slack: September 24 10:00am
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $141.00 / $3000.00
Stock Contractor: Fettig Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: September 7 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 12 10:00am MT
EC: September 13 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 19 5:00pm MT. $0 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. Co-Approved with the Montana Circuit.

Woodstown, NJ 09/24/2022

Pro Rodeo
Cowtown Rodeo
Arena: Cowtown Rodeo Arena
Location: 780 Rt. 40
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 24 7:30pm
Slack: September 24 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - WPRA Tour (Barrels) / $76.00 / $1000.00
Stock Contractor: Grant Harris/RJ Griscom
Member Dues: September 14 5:00pm MT (2022-09-13)
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 19 11:00am MT (2022-09-13)
EC: September 20 11:00am MT (2022-09-13)
Ground Rules: All contestants must ride in grand entry, and carry flags. Not taking entry fees onsite. Must pay through WPRA Portal or the WPRA Office. Grace Period will expire 30 min after entries close. No Buddying Allowed. No trades permitted. No electronic devices in the arena such as Go Pro's, radio's, video equipment etc. Barrels Racers must enter the arena completely/Pivot then go. NO run ins! Rule 9.2.3 & Rule 12.7.1 will be strongly enforced. (2022-10-18)

Woodstown, NJ 09/24/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Cowtown Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Cowtown Rodeo Arena
Location: 780 Rt. 40
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 24 7:30pm
Slack: No Slack
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $126.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Grant Harris/RJ Griscom
Member Dues: September 14 5:00pm MT (2022-09-06)
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits - Limited to 15
EOO: September 19 11:00am MT (2022-09-06)
EC: September 20 11:00am MT (2022-09-06)
Ground Rules: $25 Stock Charge. Limited to 15. Qualifications: Random draw of entered card holders. If less then 15 card holders enter, remaining position will be filled from a random draw of entered permit holders. "30 Hour Replacement Policy" in effect. Minimum of 5 entries or no contest. All contestants must ride in grand entry, and carry flags. Not taking entry fees onsite. Must pay through WPRA Portal or the WPRA Office. Grace Period will expire 30 min after entries close. No Buddying Allowed. No trades permitted. No electronic devices in the arena such as Go Pro's, radio's, video equipment etc.Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close. (2022-10-18)

Bunnell, FL 09/25/2022
Pro Rodeo
Flagler County Pro Rodeo
Arena: Flagler County Fairgrounds
Location: 150 Sawgrass Rd.
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 25 2:00pm
Slack: September 25 9:00am
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $71.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Big Water Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: September 15 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 20 10:00am MT
EC: September 21 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: 22 5:00pm MT. Tractor Drag after 5.

Bunnell, FL 09/25/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Flagler County Pro Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Flagler County Fairgrounds
Location: 150 Sawgrass Rd.
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 25 2:00pm
Slack: September 25 9:00am
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $101.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Big Water Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: September 15 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 20 10:00am MT
EC: September 21 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 22 5:00pm MT. $0 Stock Charge. grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Cumberland, ME 09/28/2022
Pro Rodeo
Cumberland County Fair & Rodeo
Arena: Fair Arena
Location: 11490 Moss Ave
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 28 6:30pm
Slack: September 28 after the performance
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $71.00 / $900.00
Stock Contractor: All American Rodeo CO. LLC.
Member Dues: September 14 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 19 11:00am MT
EC: September 20 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 22 5:00pm MT. Tractor drag after 6. All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the turn out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 7. Committee will drag at 6 or fewer. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Cumberland, ME 09/28/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Cumberland County Fair & Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Cumberland County Fair
Location: 197 Blanchard Road
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 28 6:30pm
Slack: September 28 after the performance
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $101.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: All American Rodeo
Member Dues: September 14 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 19 11:00am MT
EC: September 20 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 22 5:00pm MT. $0 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Cumberland, ME 09/29/2022
Pro Rodeo
Cumberland County Fair & Rodeo
Arena: Cumberland County Fair
Location: 197 Blanchard Road
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: One: September 29 6:30pm
Slack: September 29 after the performance
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $71.00 / $900.00
Stock Contractor: All American Rodeo CO. LLC.
Member Dues: September 15 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 20 11:00am MT
EC: September 21 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 23 5:00pm MT. Tractor drag after 6. All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the turn out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 7. Committee will drag at 6 or fewer. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them. Grace period will expire one hour after entries close.

Cumberland, ME 09/29/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Cumberland County Fair & Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Cumberland County Fair
Location: 197 Blanchard Road
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: September 29 6:30pm
Slack: September 29 after the performance
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $101.00 / $500.00 (2022-08-23)
Stock Contractor: All American Rodeo CO. LLC.
Member Dues: September 15 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 20 11:00am MT
EC: September 21 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 23 5:00pm MT. $0 Stock Charge. Grace period will expire one hour after entries close.

Hempstead, TX 09/29/2022 - 10/01/2022
Pro Rodeo
Waller County Fair and Rodeo
Arena: Waller County Fair Grounds
Location: FM 359 South
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 29-30 7:00pm; October 1 7:00pm
Slack: September 30 8:00am
Stalls: No. Portable Pens Allowed. Hook-ups available. Contact 979-826-2825
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $111.00 / $5000.00
Stock Contractor: Pete Carr
Member Dues: September 2 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 7 11:00am MT
EC: September 9 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 21 5:00pm MT. Tractor Drag after 5. All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 7. Committee will drag at 5 or fewer. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them. The champion will be accepted as an entry into the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. GB Approved for the first event in slack.

Hempstead, TX 09/29/2022 - 10/01/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Waller County Fair and Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Waller County Fair Grounds
Location: FM 359 South
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Three: September 29-30 7:00pm; October 1 7:00pm
Slack: September 30 8:00am
Stalls: No. Portable Pens Allowed. Hook-ups available. Contact 979-826-2825
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $161.00 / $3000.00
Stock Contractor: Pete Carr
Member Dues: September 6 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits- Limited to 100 (2022-09-07)
EOO: September 9 12:00pm MT
EC: September 12 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 21 5:00pm MT. $20 Stock Charge. Limited to 100. Qualifications: 50 from the 2022 Pro Rodeo breakaway World Standings seven days prior to entries closing, 50 from the 2022 Pro Rodeo Breakaway Texas Circuit Standings seven days prior to entries closing. "30 Hour Replacement Policy" in effect.The champion will be accepted as an entry into the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Fort Worth, TX 09/30/2022
Pro Rodeo
Stockyards Championship Rodeo
Arena: Cowtown Coliseum
Location: 121 East Exchange Ave
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Perfs/Time: September 30 7:30pm
Slack: September 30 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $71.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Stockyards Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: September 19 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 21 10:30am MT (2022-09-20)
EC: September 22 10:30am MT (2022-09-20)
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 26 5:00pm MT. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Fort Worth, TX 09/30/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Stockyards Championship Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Cowtown Coliseum
Location: 121 East Exchange Ave
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Perfs/Time: September 30 7:30pm
Slack: September 30 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $126.00 / $500.00
Stock Contractor: Stockyards Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: September 19 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 21 10:30am MT (2022-09-20)
EC: September 22 10:30am MT (2022-09-20)
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 26 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Bakersfield, CA 09/30/2022 - 10/01/2022
Pro Rodeo
Kern County Fair Rodeo
Arena: Kern County Grandstands Arena
Location: 1142 South P Street
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 30 7:30pm; October 1 7:30pm
Slack: September 30 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $76.00 / $1500.00
Stock Contractor: Flying U Rodeo
Member Dues: September 9 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Circuit Permits Only (2022-09-12)
EOO: September 14 11:00am MT
EC: September 15 11:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 23 5:00pm MT. Tractor Drag after 6. All notified turn outs and Releases from each performance and slack will be taken out of the draw after the out deadline. Positions will move up and be posted at the rodeo office before the rodeo begins. I.E. If you are number 9 and there are 2 releases prior to you, you will be draw number 7. Committee will drag at 6 or fewer. **any notified turnouts who do reverse their turnout will run at the end of their performance/slack with no additional dragging for them. (2022-09-28)

Bowie, TX 09/30/2022 - 10/01/2022
Pro Rodeo
American Hat Pro Rodeo
Arena: Bowie Community Center Arena
Location: 413 Pelham St
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 30 7:30pm; October 1 7:30pm
Slack: September 30 after the performance
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $76.00 / $1000.00
Stock Contractor: McCoy Rodeo
Member Dues: September 15 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 20 10:30am MT
EC: September 21 10:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 23 5:00pm.

Bowie, TX 09/30/2022 - 10/01/2022
WPRA Roping Division
American Hat Pro Rodeo -BREAKAWAY
Arena: Bowie Community Center Arena
Location: 413 Pelham St
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Perfs/Time: Two: September 30 7:30pm; October 1 7:30pm
Slack: October 1 10:00am
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $146.00 / $1000.00
Stock Contractor: McCoy Rodeo
Member Dues: September 16 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 21 11:30am MT
EC: September 22 11:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 23 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. Co-Approved with Prairie Circuit. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Las Cruces, NM 09/30/2022 - 10/01/2022
Pro Rodeo
Southern New Mexico State Fair and Rodeo
Arena: Southern NM State
Location: 12125 Robert Larson Blvd.
Indoor/Outdoor: Covered
Perfs/Time: Two: September 30 7:00pm; October 1 7:00pm
Slack: October 1 10:00am
Stalls: Yes. Portable Pens Allowed. Hook-Ups Available
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $86.00 / $2000.00
Stock Contractor: Hi Lo Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: September 12 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 15 10:00am MT
EC: September 16 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 23 5:00pm MT. GB Approved for first event in slack. Buckles to event winners. Co-Approved with the Texas Circuit. Tractor Drag after 5.

Las Cruces, NM 09/30/2022 - 10/01/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Southern New Mexico State Fair and Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: Southern NM State
Location: 12125 Robert Larson Blvd.
Indoor/Outdoor: Covered
Perfs/Time: Two: September 30 7:00pm; October 1 7:00pm
Slack: October 1 10:00am
Stalls: Yes. Portable Pens Allowed. Hook-Ups Available.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $141.00 / $2000.00
Stock Contractor: Hi Lo Pro Rodeo
Member Dues: September 14 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 19 11:30am MT
EC: September 20 11:30am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 24 5:00pm MT. $20 Stock Charge. Co-Approved with Texas Circuit. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

Rosenberg, TX 09/30/2022 - 10/02/2022
Pro Rodeo
Fort Bend Country Fair and Rodeo
Arena: Fort Bend County Fairgrounds
Location: 4310 Hwy 36 S
Indoor/Outdoor: Covered
Perfs/Time: Three: September 30 7:00pm; October 1 7:00pm; October 2 2:00pm
Slack: October 2 10:00am
Stalls: No
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Barrels / $131.00 / $6000.00
Stock Contractor: Mo Beta Rodeo
Member Dues: August 30 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 2 10:00am MT
EC: September 7 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 22 5:00pm MT. GB Approved for the first event in slack. Tractor Drag after 5. The champion will be accepted as an entry into the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.

Rosenberg, TX 09/30/2022 - 10/02/2022
WPRA Roping Division
Fort Bend Country Fair and Rodeo - BREAKAWAY
Arena: O.D. Tucker Arena
Location: 4310 Hwy 36 South
Indoor/Outdoor: Covered
Perfs/Time: Three: September 30 7:00pm; October 1 7:00pm; October 2 2:00pm
Slack: September 29 11:00am
Stalls: No.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
 - Breakaway (Breakaway Calf Roping) / $196.00 / $6000.00
Stock Contractor: Mo Betta Rodeo
Member Dues: September 9 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits
EOO: September 12 12:00pm MT
EC: September 13 12:00pm MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: September 22 5:00pm MT. $25 Stock Charge. The champion will be accepted as an entry into the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Grace Period will expire one hour after entries close.

431 South Cascade
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

(719) 447-4627
(719) 447-4631 (fax)

431 South Cascade
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

(719) 447-4627   |   (719) 447-4631 (fax)


Where the Elite Compete®

